Chavutti thirummalwith Master Biju Nair

Chavutti thirummal is from Kerala’s Kalaripayattu tradition. This ancient warrior massage was specially developed to increase flexibility, agility and strength.

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What is Chavutti thirummal?

Chavutti thirummal is a form of massage in the Kalari chikitsa system. Originating in Kerala in South India, Kalari chikitsa is an ancient system of musculoskeletal treatments developed to benefit the warriors of Kalaripayattu.

Chavutti thirummal was traditionally used by the Kalaripayattu warriors to increase their flexibility, and to prepare and strengthen their bodies for combat. Combat situations demanded a supple body capable of powerful movements.

Today, Chavutti thirummal is still an important part of Kalaripayattu training. The martial artists receive this treatment to support the strenuous daily training required to master their art.

This treatment is an excellent complement to physical training for greater flexibility and enhanced ease of movement.

chavutti thirumal

What to expect in a Chavutti thirummal

Chavutti thirummal is a strong full body massage, where the practitioner uses their feet for the main part of the treatment. The practitioner supports themselves by a rope suspended from the ceiling allowing for long continuous massage strokes to be made with, deeper and more thorough pressure.

This massage is traditionally given by those who have first mastered the martial art of Kalaripayattu. To perform this massage, a high level of skill, control and coordination is required.

To support the benefits of the massage, this treatment incorporates warm herbalised oils, marma applications and herbal steam therapy (Swedana). Herbal medicine and dietary restrictions may also be prescribed when necessary.

Recommended for

  • Athletes
  • Martial artists
  • Dancers
  • Yoga practitioners
  • Performing artists


  • Increases flexibility, agility and strength
  • Prepares your body for a strenuous training regime
  • Allows for a deeper release of constricted and tight muscles
kalari warrior healer

Warrior healer

Chavutti thirummal is a form of massage in Kalari chikitsa, the healing system of Kerala’s martial art, Kalaripayattu.

These treatments continue to be part of the Kalaripayattu tradition. In Kerala, the Kalaripayattu master plays the dual role of a martial arts teacher and a healer. Kalari students still receive these treatments to support their training. It also helps a wider range of people, who come to see the master with their injuries and pain-related conditions.

The specialty of these treatments is that they can only be practiced by a Kalaripayattu master and their senior students. In this ancient warrior tradition, the martial art and healing art can’t be separated.


Chavutti thirummal

75 minutes – $150

Contact us

For find out more about Chavutti thirummal, or to see what treatment is best for you

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Kalaripayattu training

Kalaripayattu is the traditional martial art of Kerala. Master Biju Nair teaches at our school, Australian School of Kalaripayattu.

Kalaripayattu develops the body and mind through a powerful flowing practice. It is a comprehensive system that was originally designed to create an expert warrior.

More about Kalari chikitsa


Kalari chikitsa

Kalari chikitsa is the healing system of Kerala’s martial art, Kalaripayattu. Kalari chikitsa was developed to prevent and treat the injuries and improve the fighting skills of the Kalaripayattu warriors. The methods used for the ancient warriors remain effective for treating modern aches, pains, and injuries.

kai uzhichil

Kalari marma massage

Kalari marma massage is from Kerala’s Kalaripayattu tradition. This ancient warrior massage was specially developed to treat and prevent injuries and pain-related conditions.

indian sports medicine

Kalari chikitsa as a sports medicine

For the warriors of Kerala, Kalari chikitsa was vital for survival on the battlefield. Today, while no longer on the battlefield, Kalari students still use these treatments to support the strenuous training required to master their art.

kalari ayurveda centre

Kalari Ayurveda Centre provides the traditional Indian healing systems of Ayurveda and Kalari chikitsa with experience, expertise and an emphasis on tradition.

© 2013-2025 Kalari Ayurveda Centre and Australian School of Kalaripayattu  ABN 25 024 709 165. Website by Belinda Nair.

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